i just didn't know what to do

what you say? that you only meant well?
well, of course you did.
what you say? that it's all for the best?
of course it is.
whatcha say? that it's just what we need?
you decided this.
whatcha say?

ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
speak no feeling no I don't believe you.
you don't care a bit,
you don't care a bit.

Postat av: jules

jag älskar dig emily.

glöm förihelvete inte det <3

2009-12-02 @ 20:42:29
URL: http://julesblues.blogg.se/
Postat av: emily

aldrig förihelvete att jag gör de <3

2009-12-02 @ 22:43:32
URL: http://emilydiane.blogg.se/

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